Is Artificial Intelligence Replacing Online Travel Agents?

Travel agents have 1 main job. That is, they connect you to accommodation and travel activities per your needs. But the trouble is that they do not really personalize the information and you are left having to wade through piles of options, many of which are just not suitable.

Todays Travel Matchmakers are a bit inaccurate. Their search and find routines look for location and facilities, and they’ll never fully understand your personal needs. They do not have the skills and knowledge to do this but the information, apps and programs of the world wide web is now vast and exploding exponentially.

Artificial Intelligence is changing what we can do and how we do it in unimaginable ways.

And that’s why smart computers are starting to appear in all form of travel planning, both online and off line. This is made clear in the latest Amadeus Report that shows psychology is now a key component of travel planning. (source:

Psychology in travel planning is also the subject of the article linked at the end of this page. From a travellers perspective the new apps help travellers quickly find vacations that are right for them.

Let Technology Do the Work for You

There’s a new psychology trend in the travel market.

Many services are using smart systems, finely matching your needs with the perfect vacation setup based on character and persona.

Thanks to the great strides in technology, planning your vacation is a breeze. And services like PersonaHolidays and the Travel MatchMaker are pioneering this move to a more efficient travel planning industry.

And the best part is that it’s DIY. It lets you personalize your vacation to the max!

How it Works

All you have to do is register what your personality traits are. You can then organize them in a hierarchy of needs. And the computer does the rest.

Intelligent matchmakers will find you 1000s of accommodation and activity suggestions. It will then filter what it suggests to you, based on what you register.

And filtering isn’t all it does. It organizes the suggestions too, thus reducing your research time.

It’s the epitome of efficiency in travel matchmakers. It’ll save you the stress of researching. And it adds an element of fun to too.

Thousands of Personality Combinations

The trend is just at its start. And it’s already rolling off well.

Intelligent matchmaker systems can recognize thousands of personality combinations. They use a few simple traits that your personalize ñ before giving you a final search result.

The system works with an inference search system. And as the system expands to support more personality combinations, you’ll find better and better vacation options!

Time to Supplement Human Matchmakers

As a human, it’s hard describing your travel needs to other people. Your needs might be misunderstood. Or, you could accidentally provide misinformation to a human matchmaker. After all, there’s an element of subjectivity in human interactions.

Not to mention, you’re usually talking to a matchmaker by phone, or face-to-face. And you might not word your needs exactly on the spot.

Save Yourself the Hassle

So, a computer matchmaker is a life-saver. It’s completely objective, and works within defined parameters that you can change at will.

The system does not get frustrated if you describe your needs improperly.

It’s the perfect servant. It’ll show what you need, whenever you need it.

Not to mention, you can always do trial and error with a smart system. You can take your time, testing your personality traits in different orders.

You can do it in seconds. And you have the space to make a decision without being rushed.

Start Using the Smart System Now

Obviously, you’ll need a source that supplies intelligent matchmakers.

We recommend you start searching traveler databases. You need a place that gives recommendations on the best agents and matchmakers.

For that, you can try TravelBlogs. It’s a travel website, made by travelers for travelers!

You’ll find the matchmakers you want. And you can read up on your holiday destinations too!

Be sure to visit the website, and start your personalized travel research now! Find out how advances in technology have made planning your vacation a breeze: Go to website to see details.

Impact of Technology on the Economy